Stop Renting and Start Owning!

If you haven't read the article on my Facebook page yet, you can check it out here. It pretty much says you are wasting 13% of your income on rent. That is like real money! Vacation money! Extra pizza topping money!!!! Still not convinced? Here are a few benefits of buying a house as opposed to renting.

1.You Will Build Equity

Your rent payments builds equity for your landlord, not for you. When you buy your own house, you can put the money towards your own mortgage instead of making your landlord richer. Paying your own mortgage will gradually make you wealthier. 

2. You Gain Independence 

Buying your own house means there’s no landlord to tell you that you can’t change the color of the walls, you can’t have the open space that you want, or you can’t drill holes to hang your pictures. Your options to decorate your rental space are limited but if you own the home, they expand greatly. 

3. No Pet Restrictions

Many landlords don't allow tenants to have pets. If you are a pet owner this can greatly limit your choice of homes. Other landlords will allow pets to live with you but charge a premium for the privilege. If you own your own home you won't  have these problems.

4. The Value of Your House May Appreciate

There is an excellent chance that the value of your house will appreciate over time. Home values in the Pasco County area continue to rise and don't show any signs of stopping.

5. There’s a Sense of Stability

Having your own home means stability. You know you can remain for as long as you want and you become a stakeholder in your suburb. This allows you and your family to build long-lasting relationship within the community.

6. The House Will be Yours

Owning a house gives you a sense of pride. After years of paying your mortgage, you will own a house which you can retire in and eventually pass on to your children.

I want to help you stop renting and buy a home. I know the formula to becoming a home owner, and will share it with you!
If you just don't think you can do it, you are wrong! With a little money management and time, we can get you out of that rental and into your very own home!

Let's talk.

Want to get started on the transition? Just click the link below!


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